Life Map is a one-on-one, facilitated journey that helps you create a map for your life – where you’ve been and where you’re going.
Monte masterfully leverages the Life Map process as he guides you through the five key areas of your life to discover where you truly are and what brought you there. In light of that truth, he helps you understand your giftedness and articulate a visionary future that fulfills your life purpose. Finally, he guides you to create intentional life rhythms and an action plan with tangible next steps and practical measures for accountability to help you get there.
Through the TRUEnorth Life Map process you gain a deeper awareness of your giftedness, more clearly articulate your life’s purpose and help you clarify vision for each of the key areas of your life. You will walk away with:
- Clarity, Purpose, Direction and Focus.
- Tools to assess and monitor your vocational alignment.
- A ‘whole life’ strategy consistent with your values.
- A ten year vision that defines success in each area of your life.
- Practical steps in the form of an action plan and the means to measure progress.
Through this process you gain a deeper awareness of your giftedness and discover your life’s purpose. Your Life Map will help you clarify vision for each key area of your life.
What People Are Saying About
The TRUEnorth Life Map process was like assembling a puzzle: sometimes quite challenging and sometimes the pieces just fell into place. When the full picture came together it was awe-inspiring and liberating! It revealed how God has always been in control and orchestrating my life. Most importantly, Monte used the process to shine light on my strengths, provide clarity for my future and establish healthy rhythms for my life. It is an invaluable experience for any and every leader.
Matt Sanders
Life Map is an art. The process, the discovery, the outcome. Monte makes it all work together to facilitate an amazing, eye-opening, jaw-dropping, self-awareness journey that helps you grow personally, professionally and spiritually! It uses your past to unlock your future in ways that help you see God’s plan for your life more clearly than ever before.
Mike Shelly
To sit down and make a Life Map was something very different for us. As we explored our past we were amazed to more clearly see how God faithfully gave us victories in extremely difficult situations. As we better understood our specific gifts and calling, we were able to see what we need to focus on as we move forward. This whole experience helped us realize how important it is to be more intentional and to honor the one who has given us life.
Dr. Vivert & Neelam Lall
This guy never disappoints! Monte has an innate ability to unlock the “real you” so you more clearly see person you really are and begin making decisions grounded in that truth. Life Map is a very revealing process and Monte masterfully guides you to discover your unique talents and absolutely KNOW how to best position yourself to reach your highest potential. My life is better because of this man!
Dr. Paul C. Sorchy
Working through my Life Map with Monte was such a game changer! I went into the process hoping to gain a better understanding of how to best leverage my days ahead and came out with so much more. The journey from start to finish was challenging, enlightening, and life giving. The process not only gives you a greater sense of clarity and self awareness regarding gifting, calling and purpose. It equips you with the tools and rhythms you need to pursue and make the most of them. I wish I would have done this work with Monte sooner!